
The Destination Stewardship Report, a new jointly sponsored quarterly e-newsletter, is a collaboration between the Destination Stewardship Center and Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC)  – and in time, maybe others. Take a look. Continue reading


As tourism moves forward and begins to recover from the Covid-19 global pandemic, a new nonprofit coalition urges the world to re-center around a strong set of principles, vital for long term sustainable and equitable growth. Decades of unfettered growth in travel have put the world’s treasured places at risk – environmentally, culturally, socially, and financially. “Now is the chance to rebalance,” say Coalition leaders. Continue reading


If no good crisis should go to waste, DSC director Jonathan Tourtellot urges destinations to seize this one, forming stewardship councils that can oversee research and planning for the recovery. Plus a personal afterthought. Continue reading


Tequila, Mexico

Herewith the second of our profiles of destination organizations that at least partially meet the GSTC-D criterion for holistic destination management. In this post: Tequila, Jalisco, Mexico, which is adopting a multisector, high-tech “Intelligent Destination” approach. Continue reading


VIDEO – Our expedition to the Balkan Adriatic shows what tourism should do—and not do. The rugged coastal regions including Albania and Montenegro have sustainability lessons the world should heed. Continue reading


We offer the first of our profiles of destination organizations that at least partially meet GSTC destination criterion A2 for holistic destination management. In this post: the Thompson-Okanagan Tourism Association, B.C., which has burst out of the usual DMO mold to embrace sustainability and extensive community involvement. Continue reading



How should undiscovered coastal destinations handle sustainable tourism? Learn tips from Jonathan Tourtellot’s interview with Urdaibai, a Basque magazine. Continue reading


Jake Pearring of Milllion Mile Secrets provides a traveler’s guide to voluntouring opportunities worldwide. Destinations, take notice: A resource you can tap. Continue reading



A new French ecoresort offers a model for other developers and destinations to emulate, says Dr. David Randle, managing director of Florida-based Blue Communities Consortium. Continue reading

Sustainable Destination News—November Notes

In this post, two urgent calls for your recommendations,
video from the Balkans, conference notes, and a challenge in how to avert overtourism. Continue reading